The 5 W's in Reggae and Dancehall Music

The 5W's in Reggae and Dancehall Music Hosted by Melekel with Guest Luis Barrett, Entrepreneur, Network Marketing Guru

September 01, 2023 Melekel Season 1 Episode 1

The first episode of season one of The 5W's in Reggae and Dancehall Music is packed with information, tips and insight as we interview Luis Barrett, Entrepreneur and Network Marketing Guru; in an attempt to inspire and motivate more reggae and dancehall artist to become entrepreneurs while in the process of guiding their own careers.  Hosted by International Reggae and Dancehall Superstar Melekel, the interview opens a portal of immense probabilities within the spectrum of self-sufficiency, self-confidence and self-worth. 

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Welcome. I am your host, Melekel, and this is the brand new podcast. The five 5W's in reggae and dancehall music. Yeah. Okay. And today we have a very special show. Yeah, man. Very special show. Our guest today is entrepreneur and marke􀆟ng guru, Luis Barret.
Hey, it's an honor man to be on the show, man. I want to wish you congratula􀆟ons on the podcast. So, I'm truly honored. Big up, Melekel. Yeah, man. Yeah, man. Thank you for that. Definitely. Okay. So as you already know, we are The 5 W's in reggae and dancehall music. My first ques􀆟on concerns who give our listening audience an idea in your own words.
Who is Louis Barret marke􀆟ng guru? Well, Louis Barret is humble. I love to help people. I love to inspire people. I love to mo􀆟vate and to teach them, you know, how to self-mo􀆟vate. Okay, it goes. So yeah, man. So, our listeners would also like to know Louis. Who mo􀆟vates or inspires you? First of all, you're number one, you know, I always looked up to, you know, Melekel.
You inspire me and seeing you accomplish a lot of things in your career allows me to push myself to accomplish many things in my entrepreneurial career and as well in life. The number one person who mo􀆟vates and inspires me to con􀆟nue to do what I'm doing today. Hey, big up yourself, man. I do not take those words lightly because...
As you already know, we come to rule. We don't come to follow. Yeah. All right. As we move now in The 5W's we have to go to where, and my next ques􀆟on is where did that passion, right? To mo􀆟vate, to inspire, to help people come from, I can say came from my grandmother. You know, she loved helping people.
She had a big heart and, you know, seeing her do that allowed me to want to do the same to others, you know, so I have a big heart, I enjoy helping people, you know, to me, you know, I'd rather see people achieve to the top. So that's, to me, it's very mo􀆟va􀆟ng, brings joy to my life. that I know I can help others achieve to their maximum poten􀆟al, you know, and so they can achieve anything in life really came from my grandmother.
Okay. Yeah, man. Big up yourself. Yeah. Big up your grandmama too. You know, in the mothers and grandmothers carry a strong vibe in a male child. You know, and always have sort of that first teacher mentality and first teacher vibe, you know, to kind of mo􀆟vate and inspire. So awesome to hear, man. That is awesome to hear.
So s􀆟ll s􀆟cking to the wherein The 5W's. Where were you born? Where are your roots from? Well, I'm originally from Panama City, Panama, you know, that's where I was born. Then, um, I moved from there were three years old here to United States and you know, I've been here ever since. All right. Yeah. Well, big up all Panamanians, you know, big up yourself every 􀆟me, you know?
Okay. As we move on within the spectrum of the wind in the five W's, when did your entrepreneurial journey begin? First before when I should say, um, there was a family friend, and I would talk about it to
my grandmother. I was in, you know, junior high and I asked this person, what does he, you know, do for his occupa􀆟on?
And my grandmother told me, well, he's a businessman, a businessman. You mean he's a boss? Yeah. He runs his own business. So ever since then, that's what I wanted to do. I wanted to be my own boss. So, I knew since junior high that was my goal to be my own boss. Okay. Yeah, man. Big up. Big up. So within the same context, when did you realize that it was?
the thing for you to do that. This was your mission. Well, I can say that when I did my first in home presenta􀆟on on, you know, invited a few guests. My mentor was there. We showed the presenta􀆟on and when I found out how much I made, I was just like, okay, I can do this. I can do this. You know, it's easy to do, but at the same 􀆟me, it's not easy to do.
So that's when I knew I could do this. And not just that, I can help and show it. others to do the same. That's when I knew that, hey, this is for me, you know, because it was fun. I enjoyed it. I didn't feel pressure. I feel, you know, Jordan. Okay. Yeah, man, big up. And I'm glad you made men􀆟on of that aspect in your answer because it segues right into the next segment of the show.
The reason why you are here is because you are bringing an opportunity, right? And as I know, and every other reggae and dance ar􀆟st knows, we need funding to move our career forward. What you are presen􀆟ng is within this. Spectrum of what is a global marketplace, right? Which means that anyone from anywhere around the world can take advantage of this opportunity.
We will proceed with playing the audio for a video, and this will explain further to our listeners the opportunity that you have brought us today to present to our listeners. Here we go. Hi, this is Ben Glinski, founder, and CEO of Live Good. Over the past 20 years, we've launched and run some of the most successful products and companies in the en􀆟re network marke􀆟ng industry.
We've helped hundreds of thousands of people all over the world generate extra income from home, paid out close to a billion dollars in commissions, and have been featured all over the internet and in magazines, newspapers, even on TV. People o􀅌en ask, how have our companies been so successful while thousands of others have failed?
The answer is simple 􀆟ming, recognizing trends in the network marke􀆟ng industry, trends in society, trends in the economy with infla􀆟on higher than ever gas prices up, causing u􀆟lity bills to rise, mortgage and rent payments going up, travel ge􀆫ng more expensive. People are looking for ways they can save money without compromising quality.
Because of that, the network marke􀆟ng industry is at a major crossroads. Products have become more and more overpriced just so companies can pay out big commissions and compensa􀆟on plans. But with buying habits, trending away from higher priced products in search of beter value, that model just doesn't align with where the industry is going.
In fact, if you look at some of the biggest companies in the network marke􀆟ng industry, like Herbalife, USANA, and Nu Skin, their revenues are down by as much as 20%. From just a year ago. Well, companies like Walmart and Costco's revenues are up 9% and 12%. In the words of our director of network marke􀆟ng, Nader Kazan, the days of selling overpriced products.
So a few people at the top of a compensa􀆟on plan can get rich are over. That's why we created live good. Teaming up with amazing health and wellness experts, Ryan, and Lisa Goodkin, we've created a line of the highest quality nutri􀆟onal supplements on the planet that people need. And we make them available for as much as 75% less than what other companies are charging for lower quality products.
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No ques􀆟ons asked. So what does all this mean for you? On top of having products that virtually sell themselves in a company that is perfectly aligned with shi􀅌ing buying habits in the marketplace. We give you all the tools, systems, websites, videos, training, and everything you need to help you earn extra income easier and faster than any other company in the industry.
In fact, this video that you're watching right now is part of the industry's most powerful power line driven marke􀆟ng system that allows you to reserve a free temporary posi􀆟on in our company before you must commit anything to ge􀆫ng started. What that means is when you enter your name and email on this page, we will immediately reserve you a posi􀆟on and show you everyone who does the same a􀅌er you by placing them under you in the power line.
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We'll see you at the top.
Sound FX
This is crazy important. In the mix, it's Melekel. Let's go!
Yeah man, yeah man. Yeah, so, very interes􀆟ng informa􀆟on. Lot of insight. Yeah man, big up. Once again, we are here with Lewis Barret. Okay. He is here to present an opportunity to our listeners as it pertains to reggae and dance ar􀆟sts, being able to fund their career in a way that will allow them to cover a global.
marketplace, right? So, you know, one year, nothing else, but no reggae and no dance. All ar􀆟sts are ge􀆫ng in no problem for no scamming or no kind of foolishness, right? No scamming, right? We have legal work that we can do to fund our career. And Lewis is here today with one of those opportuni􀆟es, right? Yeah, man.
So as we con􀆟nue Lewis, now, why did you decide to do the podcast today? Well, the reason I decided to do the podcast today, because like you men􀆟oned, it's very hard for, you know, regular ar􀆟sts out there to get the funds to further their career. And there's many, many talents, you know, regular ar􀆟sts out there.
So with this opportunity that I'm presen􀆟ng. They have the chance to not just build an income, but at the same 􀆟me, the income they're building will allow them to do more work with their career in music. So I think this is the best opportunity for them. Not even that. Like I men􀆟oned, we're a global opportunity.
This opportunity can also bring genera􀆟onal wealth to your family as well. If I can help any regular ar􀆟sts out there with more music, you know, for the people to enjoy, to dance, it would be a blessing. Yeah, man, that is it. Okay. So in that same spirit and vibe, why do you think it is important for reggae and dance art ar􀆟sts to be at the top, right?
Not just hip hop ar􀆟sts, not just popular music ar􀆟sts. or reggaeton ar􀆟sts, but reggae and dance ar􀆟sts, why is it important for us to be at the top? It's important for reggae ar􀆟sts and dance ar􀆟sts to be at the top because I mean, reggae has been around for many, many years. So back from Bob Marley, Yellow Mind, you know, Ninja Mind, Super Cat, all the greats.
Bob Marley, he got the blueprint for other reggae ar􀆟sts to be on the top. People need to see them. They deserve the same respect as any other ar􀆟sts out there, you know, because I love reggae music. I love dancing to it. You know, it's like my medita􀆟on, you know, I relax while I listen to it, you know, like, you know, a way it feels, you know, the music flows to my body.
So it should be more recogni􀆟on for reggae ar􀆟sts out there. Reggae ar􀆟sts need to be at the top. They deserve it as well. Big up yourself in every aspect. Yeah. So, as we descend or land on what in The 5W's of reggae and dancehall music, within the context of that, my ques􀆟on to you, Louis, is, what is your ul􀆟mate goal, right?
Within the spectrum of marke􀆟ng, reggae and dancehall music and the opportunity, right, that you bring today to the podcast as it pertains to live good. Help as many reggae ar􀆟sts out there. I would like to be part of their career. You know, uh, promote them, mo􀆟vate them, you know, be there for them, show
them the way, you know, this opportunity I presented to them can also further their career because I know music is their passion, but I know, I know a lot of regular ar􀆟sts have many passions and this opportunity can allow them to open up many doors, but not just for them, for the family and everybody else around them.
Yeah, man. Okay, it goes. So my last ques􀆟on for you as it pertains to the five W's Lewis is what is your current favorite song? Now, Spo􀆟fy says that there are about 90 million songs on their pla􀆞orm. I don't have the exact numbers. But I would give myself the freedom to say that I would say at least between 10 to 15% of probably reggae and dancehall songs, right?
What is your favorite reggae or dancehall song right now? Well, my favorite reggae song is... The black hero from Melancholia is a wicked, it's a wicked, uh, tell you man, that is beau􀆟ful Melancholia. That song is beau􀆟ful, much respect, big up to yourself, everybody, you got to listen to the black hero. Yeah.
Hey, give thanks. You know, give thanks. Uh, it was a firm medita􀆟on that came through Marcos Gavi. It was an honor for his hundred and 36th birthday, which, uh, was on August 17th. We felt the vibe and uh, and then we went into the studio and, uh, and we laid it down. I do want to take the 􀆟me right now, uh, to thank you, Louis for.
Uh, coming on the podcast, this is our first show, so we want to thank you again for making it a smooth first show, for making it a great first show. It was very informa􀆟ve. It is my earnest opinion that we have brought our listeners a fair opportunity. that they can inves􀆟gate on their own 􀆟me and make their own personal assessment as to whether they want to move forward.
Having said that, do you have, Luis, any advice, or final words for our listeners? Yes, but the only advice I have is to stay focused, work hard so you can work smart, you know, read a lot of personal development, make sure you surround yourself with posi􀆟ve people like yourself. You know, those individuals, you guys share the same vision.
Those individuals are going to push each other to accomplish their vision. The paycheck comes before the a􀆫tude. I know people want the money now, but you can't get the money now if the money isn’t right. Make sure your a􀆫tude's right. Be smart about making the right decisions. And, you know, just stay focused and make sure, you know, whatever goals you want to accomplish, you start with one goal at a 􀆟me.
And don't be afraid to fail. We've been programmed to, you know, to be afraid of failing ever since we started going to school. You know, when you get an F, that's a bad grade, but in life, failure is good. Why? Because you learn from it. Congratula􀆟ons again. I'm honored. Can't wait to see this podcast, you know, explode.
So I'm very excited for you. Yes, yes, yes. Big up yourself, Louis. Big up yourself. Okay, go ahead and let our listeners know how they can take advantage of this opportunity. Meaning where on the internet can they go for more informa􀆟on or to sign up to take advantage? Okay, awesome. Yes. So they can go to let's earn from home.
That's L E T S E A R N F R O M. H. O. M. E. Let's earn from home dot com and that's where you can get all the informa􀆟on you can enroll and you know, get started as soon as possible. So let's earn from home
dot com. Yeah, man, big up. That is it. We now know Lewis Barret, marke􀆟ng gurus, 5W's in reggae and dancehall music.
Thank you.
Sound FX…

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